ABB+PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 3BSC980006R358

ABB+PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 3BSC980006R358

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【 Product features 】
① Brand model: ABB+PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 3BSC980006R358
② Inventory quantity: 9
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The product ABB PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 3BSC980006R358 is a communication module that is used in various industrial applications.

Product Name:

ABB PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 3BSC980006R358

Product Description:

The ABB PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 3BSC980006R358 is a communication interface module designed for use in ABB’s Advant Master process control system. It provides connectivity and communication capabilities for various devices and systems within a plant or industrial environment.

Product Parameters:

Some of the parameters of the ABB PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 3BSC980006R358 module include input/output data handling, communication protocols supported, data transfer rates, and compatibility with other ABB Advant Master system components.


The module is designed to be compatible with ABB’s Advant Master system and supports various communication protocols such as MODBUS, PROFIBUS, and others. It operates within specific voltage and temperature ranges and has specific physical dimensions for installation.

Product Use:

The ABB PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 3BSC980006R358 module is used to enable communication and data exchange between different devices and systems within an industrial process control environment. It facilitates the integration of various components and ensures seamless data transfer for monitoring and control purposes.


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