The AI835/AI835A provides 8 differential input channels for thermocouple/mV measurement. The configurable measurement range for each channel is -30 mV to+75 mV linear, or TC types B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S, and T, as well as D, L, and U for AI835A.

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The AI835/AI835A provides 8 differential input channels for thermocouple/mV measurement. The configurable measurement range for each channel is -30 mV to+75 mV linear, or TC types B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S, and T, as well as D, L, and U for AI835A.


One of the channels (channel 8) can be configured for “cold end” (ambient) temperature measurement, thus serving as the CJ channel of the channel. 1…7。 The junction temperature can be measured locally on the MTU screw terminal or on the connection unit far from the equipment.

Alternatively, the fixed junction temperature of the module can be set by the user as a parameter, or it can also be set for AI835A from the application program. The usage of channel 8 is the same as channel 8. 1… 7 when CJ temperature measurement is not required.


Features and Benefits

8 thermocouple/mV differential input channels.

Channel 8 can be specified as a CJ channel (4-wire Pt100 RTD)

Various thermocouples with the following characteristics: B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S, and T for AI835A, as well as D, L, and U

15 bit resolution (A/D)

Check if there are any broken wires or open circuits in the monitoring input

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+86 17735379951