Gaivanic isolation of alloutout channelsfrom
Key features of the Compact FBM215 module are:
each other and from ground and module logic
Eight channel-isolated output channels,each
Support for HARTuniversal commands
providing one of the following outputs:
necessary to interface the field device with the
Foxboro EvoM Control Core Services system
Standard 4 to 20 mAanalog output signal
Digital HART Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)
Compact,rugged design suitable for enclosure in
signal superimposed on a 4 to20 mAanalog
Class G3(harsh)environments
output signal.
Termination Assemblies(TAs)for locally or
FSK modem dedicated to each output channel
remotely connecting field wiring to the Compact
for bi-directional digital communications with a
HART field device

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Gaivanic isolation of alloutout channelsfromKey features of the Compact FBM215 module are:each other and from ground and module logicEight channel-isolated output channels,eachSupport for HARTuniversal commandsproviding one of the following outputs:necessary to interface the field device with theFoxboro EvoM Control Core Services systemStandard 4 to 20 mAanalog output signaldatabaseDigital HART Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)Compact,rugged design suitable for enclosure insignal superimposed on a 4 to20 mAanalogClass G3(harsh)environmentsoutput signal.
Termination Assemblies(TAs)for locally orFSK modem dedicated to each output channelremotely connecting field wiring to the Compactfor bi-directional digital communications with aFBM215.HART field device

The Compact FBM215 HARTCommunication Output Interface Module offers eight output channels, each
providing a 4 to 20mA output signal or a digital HART signal superimposed on the analog output.

The Compact HART Communication Output
Interface Module(FBM215) contains eight channel-
isolated output channels.The Compact FBM215
supports any mix of standard 4 to 20 mA devices
and HART devices,and is part of the Compact 200
The Compact FBM215 serves as a HART
communications field device hostenabling the
Foxboro Evo system to reguest and receive two
digital messages per second from each field device.The message pass-through capability can be used to
support HARTuniversalcommon practiceand
device-specific commands, but not the burst
communication mode.These commands are
implemented using the Intelligent Field Device
Configurator(IFDC -see Intelligent Field Device
Configurator FoxCom and HARTProtocols
The Compact FBM215 provides an isolated power
supply for each channe

The Compact HART Communication Output
Interface Module(FBM215) contains eight channel-
isolated output channels.The Compact FBM215
supports any mix of standard 4 to 20 mA devices
and HART devices,and is part of the Compact 200
The Compact FBM215 serves as a HART
communications field device hostenabling the
Foxboro Evo system to reguest and receive two
digital messages per second from each field device.The message pass-through capability can be used to
support HARTuniversalcommon practiceand
device-specific commands, but not the burst
communication mode.These commands are
implemented using the Intelligent Field Device
Configurator(IFDC -see Intelligent Field Device
Configurator FoxCom and HARTProtocols
The Compact FBM215 provides an isolated power
supply for each channe

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