A860-2109-T302 FANUC

The A860-2109-T302 has a 10-pin connector with the following pin configuration:

| Pin | Signal |
| — | — |
| 1 | Z phase signal |
| 2 | B phase signal |
| 3 | A phase signal |
| 4 | GND |
| 5 | GND |
| 6 | +5 VDC |
| 7 | +5 VDC |
| 8 | Not used |
| 9 | Not used |
| 10 | Not used |

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A860-2109-T302 FANUC

This document contains the product information and parameters for the A860-2109-T302 FANUC device. The A860-2109-T302 is a high-precision incremental encoder that is commonly used in machine tools and robotics.


  • Type: Incremental encoder
  • Resolution: 2048 pulses per revolution
  • Accuracy: +/- 3 arc seconds
  • Operating temperature: -10 to 80 degrees Celsius
  • Output signal: A, B, and Z phase signals
  • Supply voltage: 5 VDC +/- 5%
  • Current consumption: 100 mA or less

Pin Configuration

The A860-2109-T302 has a 10-pin connector with the following pin configuration:

Pin Signal
1 Z phase signal
2 B phase signal
3 A phase signal
6 +5 VDC
7 +5 VDC
8 Not used
9 Not used
10 Not used


The following parameters can be configured for the A860-2109-T302:

  • Pulse count: The number of pulses per revolution can be set to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 50, 100, 200, 250, 400, 500, 800, 1000, 1250, 2000, or 2048.
  • Count direction: The count direction can be set to either forward or reverse.
  • Output phase: The output phase can be set to either A before B or B before A.


The A860-2109-T302 is a reliable and accurate incremental encoder that is ideal for use in machine tools and robotics applications. With its high resolution and configurable parameters, it can be tailored to suit a wide range of requirements.

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