This document contains detailed information and parameters regarding PFIFFNER products. Please refer to the product manual for any specific instructions or guidelines.
Product Information
PFIFFNER offers a wide range of products for various industries, including power transformers, instrument transformers, and bushings. Each product is designed and manufactured with the highest quality standards to meet customer requirements.
Power Transformers
PFIFFNER power transformers are designed for efficient power transmission and distribution. They are available in various sizes and specifications to meet different voltage levels and power ratings. Our transformers are designed for long service life and low maintenance.
Instrument Transformers
PFIFFNER instrument transformers are used for measuring electrical quantities such as voltage and current. They are used in power systems for protection and control purposes. We offer a wide range of instrument transformers, including current transformers and voltage transformers.
PFIFFNER bushings are used for connecting transformers and other electrical equipment to the power grid. Our bushings are designed for high voltage applications and are available in different types and designs to meet customer requirements.
The following are the parameters for PFIFFNER products.
Power Transformers
- Voltage rating: Up to 765 kV
- Power rating: Up to 1200 MVA
- Frequency: 50/60 Hz
- Cooling type: ONAN, ONAF, OFAF, ODAF, ODWF
Instrument Transformers
- Nominal system voltage: Up to 765 kV
- Rated primary current: Up to 5000 A
- Rated secondary current: 1 A or 5 A
- Accuracy class: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20
- Voltage rating: Up to 1200 kV
- Current rating: Up to 8000 A
- Type: Oil-impregnated paper (OIP), resin impregnated paper (RIP), oil-filled condenser (OFC), and gas-filled (GIB)