Here are some key parameters of the MVME162PA-344SE:

-CPU:Motorola 68LC040 running at 25 MHz

-Memory:16 MB DRAM,8 MB Flash

-Operating System:VxWorks(optional)

-Communication Interfaces:Ethernet,serial,SCSI,and GPIO

-Expansion Slots:1 PMC site,1 STD32 site

-Power Requirements:+5V,+12V,-12V at 2A,1A,0.2A respectively

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The MVME162PA-344SE is a single-board computer manufactured by Motorola. It is a compact yet powerful system with a 68LC040 CPU running at 25 MHz, making it suitable for applications that require high processing power.

Here are some key parameters of the MVME162PA-344SE:

  • CPU: Motorola 68LC040 running at 25 MHz
  • Memory: 16 MB DRAM, 8 MB Flash
  • Operating System: VxWorks (optional)
  • Communication Interfaces: Ethernet, serial, SCSI, and GPIO
  • Expansion Slots: 1 PMC site, 1 STD32 site
  • Power Requirements: +5V, +12V, -12V at 2A, 1A, 0.2A respectively

The MVME162PA-344SE is suitable for a wide range of applications, including industrial automation, robotics, and data acquisition. Its compact size and low power consumption make it ideal for use in embedded systems.

If you require further product information or technical support, please refer to the Motorola website or contact their customer support team.

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