9662-610 TRICONEX

Manufacturer: Triconex

Product Number: 9662-610

Product type: Analog input module

Full Description: TRICONEX 9662-610 Termination Panel Board

Terminal panel 9662-610 is compatible with 24 VDC digital output modules and has 16 loads

Terminals and common power terminals (PWR+and PWR -).

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9662-610 TRICONEX

Manufacturer: Triconex

Product Number: 9662-610

Product type: Analog input module

Full Description: TRICONEX 9662-610 Termination Panel Board

Terminal panel 9662-610 is compatible with 24 VDC digital output modules and has 16 loads

Terminals and common power terminals (PWR+and PWR -).

Full Description: The TRICONEX 9662-610 Terminal Panel Terminal Panel 9662 – 610 is compatible with 24 VDC digital output modules and has 16 load terminals and common power terminals (PWR+and PWR –).

Power module 8310 8311 8312

Main processor 3006 3007 3008

Input module 3501E 3502E 3503E 3721 3703E 3704E 3510 3511 3706A

Output module 3625 3601E 3664 3613E 3614E 3624 3623 3805E

Communication module 4351B 4119A 4119 4329 4329A

Panel field termination 9753-110 9662-610 9563-810 9760-210 9662-110

Cable assembly 4000094-310 4000094-320 4000093-320 4000093-310 4000098-510

Specifications for 9662-610

Function Description

Panel Type Common



Maximum total current 116 amps

When the 9662-610 panel is used with the Model 3625 DO module, the maximum total current is 10

The number of amperes per terminal panel to limit the power consumption of the module.

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