ABB+P4LQA HENF209736R0003

ABB+P4LQA HENF209736R0003

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【 Product features 】
① Brand model: ABB+P4LQA HENF209736R0003
② Inventory quantity: 120
③ Color: new style
④ Freight: Depending on the local freight forwarder, the freight in different regions should prevail.
Whether tariff is included: No tax is included
⑥ Packing: Use seller’s safe packing

Modules are high performance digital input/output modules for industrial control and automation applications.
The module provides digital inputs and outputs connected to the control system, allowing monitoring and control of various industrial processes.

Product Name:

ABB+P4LQA HENF209736R0003 module

Product Description:

The module is a compact and robust digital input/output module designed for use in industrial automation and control systems. It has high-speed input and output capabilities, making it suitable for high-performance applications.

Product parameters:

– Input voltage :24V DC
– Output voltage :24V DC
– Input channels :16
– Output channels :16
– Communication interface :Profibus DP
– Operating temperature :-20 ° C to 60 ° C


– High speed digital input/output capability
– Compact and robust design for industrial applications
– Profibus DP communication interface integrated with the control system
– Wide operating temperature range, suitable for various environments
Multifunctional control and monitoring options for 16 input and 16 output channels

Product use:

The module is used for digital input and output connections in industrial control and automation systems. It allows monitoring and control of various processes such as conveying systems, packaging lines, material handling and other industrial equipment. Its high-speed performance and wide operating temperature range make it suitable for use in harsh industrial environments.

Discrete output plus (” plus “) circuit board: 32-channel, 24VDC, potential contact 24vdc, 40 pin. Group terminal block (includes 1 discrete output board of plus series (” plus “) with group terminal block and 4 8-channel terminal panels), item (deltav): ve4052s1t2b8, rre4052s1t2b8; Analog input board (m-series, series 2), for thermal resistance, 8-channel, without terminal block, item kj3225x1-ba1, kj3225x1-ba2 (according to the text kj3225x1-ba1) \ rkj3225x1-ba1, rkj3225x1-ba2 (according to the text rkj3225x1-ba1); Analog input board (m-series, series 2), millivolt/thermal input, without terminal unit, item (deltav, deltav): kj3224x1-ba1, kj3224x1-ba2 (according to the text kj3224x1-ba1) \ rkj3224x1-ba1, rkj3224x1-ba2 (according to the text rkj3224x1-ba1); Discrete output board (m-series, series 2), 24 VDC, insulated, without terminal unit, item kj3208x1-ba1, kj3208x1-ba2 (according to the text kj3208x1-ba1) \ rkj3208x1-ba1, rkj3208x1-ba2; Discrete output board (m-series, series 2), 8-channel, 115/220 vac, potential contact, without terminal block, item (deltav, deltav): kj3210x1-ba1, kj3210x1-ba2 (according to the text kj3210x1-ba1) \ rkj3210x1-ba1, rkj3210x1-ba2 (according to the text rkj3210x1-ba1); Pulse/frequency input board (m-series, series 2), item no. (deltav, deltav): kj3212x1-ba1, kj3212x1-ba2 (according to the text kj3212x1-ba2) \ rkj3212x1-ba1, rkj3212x1-ba2 (according to the text rkj3212x1-ba1); Interface plate (m-series, series 2) as-i, without terminal unit, item number (deltav, deltav): kj3245x1-ba1, kj3245x1-ba2 (according to the text kj3245x1-ba1) \ rkj3245x1-ba1, rkj3245x1-ba2 (according to the text rkj3245x1-ba1);


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