ABB+REC670 1MRK002814-AC

ABB+REC670 1MRK002814-AC

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【 Product features 】
① Brand model: ABB+REC670 1MRK002814-AC
② Inventory quantity: 7
③ Color: new style
④ Freight: Depending on the local freight forwarder, the freight in different regions should prevail.
Whether tariff is included: No tax is included
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The ABB REC670 is a protection and control relay that is designed for substation automation applications. It is a member of the ABB Relion® product family and provides reliable protection and control functionalities for electrical power systems.

Product name:


Product description:

The ABB REC670 is a versatile protection and control relay that offers a wide range of functionalities to ensure the safe and efficient operation of electrical power systems. It is suitable for use in both distribution and transmission substations.

Product parameters and specifications:

– Protection functions: The REC670 offers a comprehensive range of protection functions including overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, differential protection, and more.
– Communication interfaces: It supports various communication protocols such as IEC 61850, Modbus, DNP3.0, and IEC 60870-5-103 for seamless integration into substation automation systems.
– Configuration and monitoring: The relay can be easily configured and monitored using ABB PCM600 engineering tool, allowing for easy customization based on specific application requirements.
– Redundancy options: The REC670 supports redundancy configurations for enhanced reliability in critical applications.

Product use:

The ABB REC670 is commonly used in substations and power systems to provide protection, monitoring, and control functions. It helps ensure the stability and security of electrical networks by detecting and responding to abnormal operating conditions such as faults and disturbances.

Overall, the ABB REC670 is a reliable and advanced protection relay that offers a high level of performance and flexibility in substation automation applications.


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