Based on the “IB” prefix and the potential ELEMASTER product line, the ELEMASTER+IB3110250 module is an input board module for industrial control systems. It is responsible for receiving digital or analog signals from sensors or switches and converting them into a format available to PLCS (Programmable logic controllers) or DCS(distributed control systems).


Product Name:

ELEMASTER+IB3110250 module

Parameters and specifications:

Input type: Either digital (for on/off signals) or analog (for variable voltage or current signals).
Number of input channels: The number of sensors or switches connected to the specified module.
Input voltage/current range: The module can accept a voltage or current range for an analog signal, or a voltage level for a digital signal (e.g., 24VDC for digital).
Isolation voltage: This represents the electrical isolation between the input and output sides of the module, which is an important safety feature in industrial environments.
Power Supply: Industrial modules typically operate in the DC voltage range, 24VDC or 48VDC.
Operating temperature: Industrial grade components typically operate in the range of -40°C to +85°C.


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