GE+IC660BBD110 IC660EBD110

GE+IC660BBD110 IC660EBD110

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【 Product features 】
① Brand model: GE+IC660BBD110 IC660EBD110
② Inventory quantity: 130
③ Color: new style
④ Freight: Depending on the local freight forwarder, the freight in different regions should prevail.
Whether tariff is included: No tax is included
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The GE Fanuc IC660BBD110 and IC660EBD110 modules are part of the Genius I/O series and are designed for use with the Series 90-30 PLC system.

Product Name:

GE Fanuc IC660BBD110 and IC660EBD110 Modules

Product Description:

These modules are part of the Genius I/O series and are designed to provide digital and analog I/O functions for the Series 90-30 PLC system. The IC660BBD110 is a 120 Volt AC/125 Volt DC Input module, and the IC660EBD110 is a 12/24 Volt DC Input module. These modules are designed to interface with various field devices and provide input data to the PLC system.

Product Parameters:

The IC660BBD110 module provides 8 input points, and the IC660EBD110 provides 8 input points as well. Both modules have LED indication for each point to display the status of the input signals.


– IC660BBD110: 120 Volt AC/125 Volt DC Input module
– IC660EBD110: 12/24 Volt DC Input module
– Both modules have 8 input points
– LED indication for each point

Product Use:

The IC660BBD110 and IC660EBD110 modules are used to expand the I/O capabilities of the Series 90-30 PLC system, providing additional digital input functionality. They can be used in various industrial applications where digital input signals need to be collected and processed by the PLC.

These modules are designed to be reliable, robust, and easy to integrate into the existing PLC system, making them suitable for a wide range of industrial automation and control applications.


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