Measuring device:
Measurement parameters: Specific electrical parameters that the device can measure (such as voltage, current, power factor, energy).
Accuracy level: The accuracy level of the measurement.
Communication Protocol: How devices communicate with other devices or SCADA systems.
For communication modules:
Supported communication protocols: Protocols that the module can use to communicate with other devices (such as Ethernet, optical fiber).
Data security features: Security measures to protect data transmission.

Product Name:

GE+IS200SDIIH1ADB MRP683026 module

Product Description:

Protective relay: It is a digital relay that protects electrical equipment from faults such as overcurrent, short circuit or ground failure. These relays play a vital role in ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the power system.
Metering device: It is a device that measures various electrical parameters within a power system, such as voltage, current, power factor and energy consumption.
Communication modules: Modules that communicate between different IS devices, integrating them with supervisory control and Data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

Product parameters and specifications:

For protective relays:
Rated current and voltage: The range of current and voltage that the relay can sense and protect.
Type of protection: A specific type of fault that the relay is capable of detecting and responding to (e.g., overcurrent, undervoltage, ground faults).
Communication protocol: How relays communicate with other devices (e.g., IEC 61850).


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