Key Features:

Supported I/O types: Analog inputs/outputs, digital inputs/outputs
Number of channels: Varies depending on specific configuration
Signal ranges: Varies depending on specific configuration
Accuracy: Typically high accuracy for both analog and digital signals
Communication: Connects to the Mark VIe control system through dedicated communication channels
Power supply: 24 VDC (supplied by the Mark VIe system)

Product Name: GE Mark VIe I/O Terminal Board (IS210AEBIH3BEC)

Product Description:

The IS210AEBIH3BEC is a terminal board within the GE Mark VIe control system, designed for connecting various sensors and actuators in industrial applications like power generation, oil & gas, and chemical processing.
It provides a flexible and reliable interface for signal acquisition and control, offering features like:
Support for various analog and digital I/O signals
Galvanic isolation between channels for noise immunity
Fault detection and isolation capabilities
Configurable filtering for signal conditioning


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