The MVI56-MCM module has the following configurable parameters:

– Modbus network type: RTU or TCP/IP
– Modbus baud rate: 300 to 115200 bps
– Modbus parity: None, even, or odd
– Modbus data bits: 7 or 8 bits
– Modbus stop bits: 1 or 2 bits
– Modbus slave ID: 1 to 247
– Modbus function code: 1 to 127

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The MVI56-MCM module is a PROSOFT communication module designed to communicate with ControlLogix and CompactLogix PLCs. It supports Modbus master/slave communication protocol and can serve as a Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP/IP master or slave device. It is capable of communicating with up to 32 Modbus RTU or TCP/IP devices.

Key Features

  • Supports Modbus RTU and TCP/IP protocols
  • Can serve as a master or slave device
  • Supports up to 32 Modbus RTU or TCP/IP devices
  • Easy configuration and setup
  • LED indicators for status monitoring
  • Designed for industrial applications

The MVI56-MCM module has the following configurable parameters:

  • Modbus network type: RTU or TCP/IP
  • Modbus baud rate: 300 to 115200 bps
  • Modbus parity: None, even, or odd
  • Modbus data bits: 7 or 8 bits
  • Modbus stop bits: 1 or 2 bits
  • Modbus slave ID: 1 to 247
  • Modbus function code: 1 to 127


The MVI56-MCM module is commonly used in industrial automation applications such as:

  • Remote monitoring and control of devices
  • Data acquisition and logging
  • Facility and environmental monitoring
  • Energy management and control
  • Building automation

For more information, please refer to the MVI56-MCM documentation and user manual.

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