R901077297 REXROTH
This document contains the detailed information and parameters regarding the R901077297 REXROTH product. The product is designed to provide reliable and efficient performance in various industrial applications.
Product Information
Product Name
The product name is R901077297 REXROTH.
Product Type
The product is a hydraulic directional control valve.
The product is manufactured by REXROTH.
Part Number
The part number for the product is R901077297.
The product features include:
- High flow rates
- Low pressure drop
- Enhanced durability
- Easy to install and maintain
- Compact design
- Corrosion-resistant
Operating Pressure
The maximum operating pressure of the product is 350 bar.
Flow Rate
The maximum flow rate of the product is 120 L/min.
Operating Temperature
The operating temperature range of the product is -30°C to +80°C.
Fluid Compatibility
The product is compatible with mineral oil-based fluids.
Port Size
The port size of the product is G3/4.
The weight of the product is 1.8 kg.
The R901077297 REXROTH hydraulic directional control valve is a reliable and efficient product suitable for various industrial applications. For further information or technical support, please contact the manufacturer.