WOODWARD+2301E 8273-1011

WOODWARD+2301E 8273-1011

Product Name:

WOODWARD 2301E Control Module
Product Description:

A core component within a WOODWARD DCS (Distributed Control System).
Primarily functions as a control processor, executing control logic, and managing other modules within the system.
It’s likely a part of an older generation of WOODWARD DCS systems, as current model numbers typically have a different format.

Product Parameters and Specifications (based on information from legacy WOODWARD documentation):

Processor: 16-bit or 32-bit microprocessor (specific model unknown)
Memory: RAM and ROM (capacities unknown)
I/O: Backplane communication for interfacing with other modules
Communication: Supports various DCS communication protocols (specific protocols unknown)
Diagnostics: Comprehensive self-diagnostic capabilities
Installation: Rack-mounted within a WOODWARD DCS chassis
Environment: Designed for industrial environments


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